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On October 4th, 2023, President Ruto executed a cabinet reshuffle that sent shockwaves throughout Kenya and beyond. Eight ministries were affected by this significant move, each with its own set of implications and questions. However, the most prominent and puzzling of these changes was the transfer of Alfred Mutua, the Cabinet Secretary for Foreign Affairs, to the Ministry of Tourism. This unprecedented downgrade has left many both in Kenya and the Kenyan diaspora perplexed and seeking answers.

Cabinate reshufle
Foreign Affairs Cabinet Secretary Alfred Mutua addresses a press conference in Nairobi on September 26, 2023. | PHOTO: MFA

What caused this particular reshuffle?

As an observer of these events and someone who had anticipated welcoming Cabinet Secretary Alfred Mutua to France in late October, I can’t help but wonder about the motivations behind President Ruto’s decision. To make sense of this unexpected move, we must first delve into the context and reactions that surround it.

One of the most intriguing aspects of this reshuffle is its timing. Just days before the UN approved a Kenyan peace mission to Haiti, President Ruto made these changes, including the reassignment of a prominent figure like Alfred Mutua. It’s impossible to ignore the connection between the two events.

Alfred Mutua had been notably vocal on matters related to Haiti, particularly in the days leading up to the reshuffle. He had recently announced that Kenya had commenced the deployment of police officers to Haiti, a move that had attracted significant attention from the media. Some reports even characterized Mutua’s comments as “touchy,” implying that there might be more to this situation than meets the eye.

Given these circumstances, it’s only natural to question the reasoning behind President Ruto’s decision. Alfred Mutua was widely regarded as active, competent, and genuinely committed to the interests of his country. Why then was he reassigned from a key ministry with such apparent haste?


Did the CS shine a little bit too much on Haiti matter

President Ruto’s statements in the UN National Assembly in September 2023 offer a partial glimpse into his motivations. During his address, he displayed a profound passion for the situation in Haiti and expressed a desire for Africa to be seen as part of the solution. Furthermore, there exists a widespread sentiment of distrust towards foreign powers in Haiti, with many viewing them as contributors to the issues plaguing the country.

These insights into President Ruto’s views provide some context for the cabinet reshuffle. It appears that he is not only committed to addressing the crisis in Haiti but also determined to assert Africa’s role in the resolution of international conflicts. Could this have been the driving force behind the reassignment of Alfred Mutua?

As the dust settles on this surprising turn of events, one thing is clear: the Kenya diaspora and the international community will be closely monitoring the developments in both Haiti and the Kenyan government. The repercussions of President Ruto’s decision may extend far beyond the cabinet reshuffle itself, impacting Kenya’s role on the global stage and the diplomatic relations between Kenya and Haiti.

In the coming weeks, it will be essential to keep a watchful eye on how these changes unfold and how they influence Kenya’s stance on international affairs, particularly in regard to its newfound involvement in Haiti. Only time will reveal the full extent of the implications of this cabinet reshuffle, and as observers, we must remain vigilant and inquisitive in our pursuit of answers.

Articles: 19


  1. C’est bien vrai! Le monde est bel et bien en train de changer. Il est essentiel de reconnaître que l’Afrique, tous comme les continents du sud en général, a son rôle à jouer comme l’Occident, sa voix est tout aussi importante. Il n’était jamais étonnant de voir que la France, les USA ou autre envoyaient telle ou telle troupe dans un pays de l’hémisphère sud. Alors ne soyons pas étonné de la présence du Kenya à Haïti. Je souhaite d’ailleurs des jours lumineux pour les Haïtiens, qu’ils puissent aussi écrire leur histoire.

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