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The next milestone for technology is artificial intelligence, whereby we will have robots control most of our daily activities. 

Thanks to technology you can easily access this article and learn the next big step in technology. Technology has currently revolutionized our way of thinking, interacting, and working. 

Can you recall a day without using technology? I guess not, since we are either on social media interacting or using interactive applications and robots in companies. 


As tech companies continue to create more innovation, artificial intelligence continues to improve.

How did it start and where we are?

Initially, technology-centered around computers, which were used in planning and communication during World War II. 

Tech companies such as Apple developed more user-friendly computers by developing a slimmer microprocessor known as CPU. Apple has continuously revolutionized the computer sector to develop smaller inventions like the MacBook Touch Bar. 

Virtual reality pioneers; Ivan and David developed the first flight simulator in 1968. 

Similar to computers, virtual intelligence technology has been accepted in different sectors such as entertainment and hospitals. 

Presently, augmented reality technology trains surgeons to superimpose computerized topography on patients’ images for better visualization.

 Augment reality technology aims to revolve to the point of not differentiating virtual augmentation from the real world. 

With 33million pixels in 8K ULTRA HD television; our naked eyes cannot see some of the colors. 

What next for technology.

Technology has revolutionized every sector with the internet of things and artificial intelligence. Internet of Things continues to make machines smarter through gathering and transmitting data independently. 

On the other hand, artificial intelligence is helping robots replace humans begins.

 In Saudi Arabia, artificial intelligence has helped in the development of a human-made robot that interacts with humans.

Although in its infancy stages; artificial intelligence is the next big thing in the tech world. 

With the help of artificial intelligence, Humanoid robots such as Sofia, will feel and react to emotions like real humans. 

Therefore, companies will replace humans with robots due to their efficiency. 

Artificial intelligence will enable self-drive vehicles to understand traffic rules and human language for full operation without any human assistance. 

Augmented reality smart glasses will dominate the physical world due to the ability to provide personal details.

 Augmented reality smart glass like the Google Glass has a voice and motion-controlled features, which enables the user to record and display information. 

Although it is a breach of personal information; augmented reality smart glass might replace computers and phones. 

For that reason, artificial intelligence is not only promising but might satisfy different fields, especially health and technology-based companies. 

Artificial intelligence is yet to be fully exploited, which begs the question as to how robots will operate without human supervision or make an informed business decision?

Will artificial intelligence help or destroy the companies that we have built for several years since most companies were developed before the invention of artificial intelligence?

Senelwa Derick
Senelwa Derick
Articles: 55