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On Monday 27, June 2022, Judge Robin Giarrusso demanded a temporary blocking of any “trigger laws” on abortion by the state. 


Judge Robin restricted the trigger laws from interfering with the operations of abortion clinics such as Hope Medical Group for Women in Shreveport. Hope Medical Group for Women presented the case to Judge Robin since the Supreme Court voted out the Roe v. Wade abortion rights. 

Judge Giarrusso stated, “each of the three trigger bans excepts conduct, making it impossible to know what abortion care is illegal and what is allowed, including what care can be provided to save a woman’s life or end a medically futile pregnancy”. 

Kathaleen Pittman an administrator at Hope Medical Group of Women said, “seeking reproductive care is already difficult in the US, and especially in Louisiana. Now, as state governments are trying to ban abortion throughout the country, including in Louisiana, my heart is with our patients whose entire lives and future may change based on the next few days”. The judge sided with institutions such as Hope Medical Group for Women to protect the lives of their patients rather than rejecting the Supreme Court’s ruling

Why is the Supreme Court voting to overturn abortion rights?

The Supreme Court felt that abortion rights should be balanced against government desires like protecting the life of the fetus. 

According to Justice Samuel Alito,” Roe was egregiously wrong from the start, we hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled. It is time to heed the constitution and return the issue of abortion to the people’s elected representatives”.

 Although the Supreme Court has not passed the law yet, Americans have protested against the overruling claiming that women’s privacy and life ought to be preserved. 

The Roe v.Wade law should be upheld since the life of the mother is critical, especially in case the pregnancy is risky. 

Justice Thomas stated that the overturning of abortion rights will help reduce the legalization of gay marriage and protect married people to access contraception. 

 Judge Alito added that the court aims at ensuring, ”respect for and preservation of prenatal life at all stages of development”. 

Judge Alito believes that banning abortion will help set standards which state courts will be forced to follow in case the state regulation is questioned.

Is Supreme Court overturning the abortion right for political gains?

Based on the president of SBA Pro-Life America, Dannenfelser’s sentiments, it is clear that the Supreme Court decision is politically motivated. 

Marjorie Dannenfelser stated, “we are ready to go on offense for life in every single one of those legislative bodies, in each statehouse and the White House”. 

The Supreme Court is not concerned about the financial and mental state of the mother. Therefore, minority women will be greatly affected as they tend to experience inadequate access to healthcare. 

Abolishing a constitutional right that has been used for 50 years to protect women’s privacy and freedom fosters a breach of the rule of law. Not considering the right to abortion and privacy, is enough evidence to illustrate how Supreme Court has decided to politicize the law.

Senelwa Derick
Senelwa Derick
Articles: 55