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Gospel artist|Lilian Rotich

Lilian Rotich is a celebrated Kalenjin Gospel Musician born and raised in Getarwet, Kericho County.She is one of eight children raised by a single- parent and from a humble background that shaped her music career.

Lilian Went to Getarwet Primary school and later Getarwet high school where she battled financial hurdles.
Her local church funded her secondary education up until form three since her mother couldn’t acknowledge her education at the time.The journey was however taunting financially but she managed to complete her form four studies through rallies and fundraisers.

Lilian owns a diploma in Disaster management and a degree in peace from Masinde Muliro university.She is however anticipating for her second graduation.

Lilian Rotich during her graduation at Masinde Muliro university

Her salvation journey started when a group of evangelists from Norway, known as “Wazungus,” pitched their tents in her village. Lilian, at the age of 13, attended their evangelistic meetings, unable to comprehend the English language. Yet, through the mysterious utterances of the Mzungu preacher, she found solace in the Lord.

“Do you know that the Lord has secluded you? Do You know that you are big,” the Mzungu would proclaim. Though Lilian couldn’t understand English, the essence of the message penetrated her heart, leading to her salvation at the age of 13. The evangelists soon discovered her gift for singing, a talent that would set her on a remarkable journey.

In school, Lilian’s melodious voice earned her the opportunity to sing for the late President Daniel Moi. However, her mother, perhaps due to traditional beliefs, couldn’t fully acknowledge Lilian’s newfound salvation and it took her time to acknowledge it.

Lilian’s musical career kicked off after her marriage in December 2000. A friend recognized her talent and invited her to contribute as a backup singer in a studio. Encouraged by her husband, Lilian then released her first song, “Achicha”, which translates to ‘NO’ conveying the message that it is not possible to serve two masters. The song which was sponsored by her Husband Pastor Richard Rotich, became an instant hit, and unexpectedly got a positive response from the listeners marking the beginning of her musical journey.

Her second album was ‘Kenyit ne lel’ , in 2006 which loosely translates to ‘a new year’ and her third album was ‘Kibendi Tai’ released in 2008. However, all her songs have always been received with greatness propelling her music career.

Throughout her 18 years in the music industry, Lilian has ministered in 27 countries, spreading the gospel through her soulful voice. The journey, however, hasn’t been without its challenges. The rampant issue of piracy has always tested Lilian’s resilience.

In offering advice to aspiring artists and ministers, Lilian emphasized on the importance of passion over monetary gain. “There is no ready money here,” she warned, urging them to focus on their craft and differentiate themselves from the secular world. Her words of wisdom extended to staying true to gospel values and not succumbing to the pressures of the contemporary music scene.

As Lilian looks forward to the future, she is set to record a music video for her upcoming song, “Tiem” which translates to ‘Try’ .The song is set to be released at the course of this week and from her words it is an anticipated hit.

Her story serves as an inspiration to all, emphasizing that, no matter the situation, one should always try and never give up.

Moureen Koech
Moureen Koech
Articles: 56