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Securing sponsorships plays a vital role in obtaining funding and resources for your event. Typically, an event sponsor is anyone who contributes to an event financially in exchange for certain benefits, such as exposure for their brand. With this added support, you can expect increased attendee engagement and a higher return on investment.

If you’re seeking sponsorships for your upcoming event, kickstart the process by developing compelling sponsorship proposals. A sponsorship proposal essentially outlines what you’ll offer in exchange for sponsorship support. But what elements should you incorporate in your proposal to attract more sponsors?

This guide explores the key components of effective sponsorship proposals and strategies for pricing them. Let’s dive in!

What’s Included in an Event Sponsorship Proposal?
Event sponsors are primarily interested in understanding the return on investment. The more convincingly you can demonstrate the value you’ll provide to sponsors, the more likely they are to come on board.

In your sponsorship proposal, outline specific ways you’ll promote sponsors at your event. Consider offering various incentives to entice potential sponsors. For instance, within your sponsorship proposal, you can provide:

1. Brand logo placements on signage and event materials
2. Inclusion on the event website
3. A booth for engaging with attendees
4. Social media acknowledgments or dedicated posts
5. Mentions in press releases, blog posts, and other marketing collateral
6. Opportunities for speaking at the event

Ensure that your offerings are tailored to your audience. The more aligned your package is with your audience’s interests, the more appealing it will be.

Additionally, sponsors will want to learn about your organization and your event objectives. Is the event worth their investment? When constructing your sponsorship proposal, be sure to include:

1. Information about your organization
2. Event specifics, including location and projected attendance
3. Testimonials or past event results
4. Audience demographics such as industries, regions, and expected attendees
5. Details on sponsorship pricing (explained below)

How to Price Event Sponsorship Proposals.
When designing your proposal, include all the detailed information mentioned above along with your pricing strategy. Before determining prices, conduct research to understand prevailing rates and remain competitive within the market.

Your pricing strategy can take the form of a tiered model or an a la carte approach. Pricing for either model should consider factors such as event size, market standards, and the value offered. Let’s explore each pricing model further.

Tiered Model

Tiered models are the most common approach for sponsorship proposals. Your pricing structure will comprise different levels that sponsors can select from.

To implement a tiered approach, create multiple tiers, delineate their benefits, and assign corresponding prices. Depending on your event, you can align various benefits with each tier level, such as booth spaces, promotional items, banners, speaking opportunities, and more. Higher tiers will command higher costs but offer increased benefits and value.

For example, a gold-level sponsorship might entail a higher cost and include perks like prominent logo placement on event materials, while a bronze-level sponsorship might offer basic benefits at a lower cost.

It’s important to note that tiered sponsor benefits can be cumulative. For instance, a gold-level sponsor should receive all benefits from the lower tiers in addition to exclusive gold-tier perks.

A la Carte Model

An a la carte model offers a more customizable pricing approach. Sponsors can select specific benefits based on their requirements and budget, without the constraints of predefined tiers.

This approach allows greater flexibility for sponsors to tailor benefits according to their unique outreach objectives. An a la carte option is particularly suitable for engaging smaller, individual sponsors.

If you’re undecided on which pricing model to adopt, consider offering both. Begin with a tiered approach that you deem as offering good value, and supplement it with an a la carte model to accommodate additional add-ons and customizations. Providing sponsors with the flexibility to customize benefits adds further appeal to your sponsorship proposal.

Attract More Sponsors with Effective Event Sponsorship Proposals

While securing sponsors may pose challenges, preparing compelling sponsorship proposals simplifies the process. Once you’ve crafted your event sponsorship proposal, ensure it’s readily accessible on your website and in a shareable presentation.

To streamline your event planning and promotion efforts, explore The Events Calendar, a comprehensive suite of powerful event management tools. Whether organizing sponsors with Event Schedule Manager, boosting event attendance with Promoter, or selling tickets with Event Tickets on your WordPress site, The Events Calendar offers solutions for every aspect of event management.

Renson Yeri
Renson Yeri

Renson Yeri is a Journalism and Mass Communication graduate from the Technical University of Mombasa. With a background in reporting on crime and politics for the Standard Newspaper, he transitioned to television as a camera operator for regional special features at Cape Media (TV47) in Mombasa. Later, he served as the Technical Director (Production) at The Kenyan Diaspora Media in Kenya.

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