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President William Ruto of Kenya has consistently displayed his deep religious beliefs throughout his tenure, publicly conducting prayer rallies and hosting monthly prayer dinners at State House. While faith can be a source of personal strength, it becomes problematic when it begins to overshadow the responsibilities of a head of state. In my view, Ruto’s prioritization of his faith over his function as president raises concerns about his ability to make objective decisions and may alienate non-Christians and African traditionalists. 

The Influence of Faith on Decision-Making

When a head of state openly displays their religious beliefs, it raises questions about whether their decision-making process is influenced by personal convictions rather than rational and evidence-based analysis. Ruto’s frequent participation in prayer rallies and his monthly prayer dinners at State House suggest that his faith plays a significant role in his decision-making. While it is important for leaders to have a moral compass, it is equally crucial that they consider the diverse perspectives and needs of all citizens, regardless of their religious affiliations.


Alienation of Non-Christians and African Traditionalists

By publicly showcasing his Christian faith, President Ruto inadvertently marginalizes non-Christians and African traditionalists whose religious practices have often been seen as ungodly by certain Christian denominations. Kenya is a religiously diverse nation, with a significant population that follows Islam, African traditional religions, or other faiths. It is essential for the head of state to be inclusive and respect the religious diversity of the nation, fostering unity rather than division.

President Ruto’s Actions and Their Consequences

President Ruto’s recent statement attributing the devastating El Niño rain to prayers he held in February at Karani stadium raises concerns about his ability to objectively analyze and address the challenges facing Kenya. Such claims not only lack scientific basis but also undermine the collective efforts of scientists, government agencies, and the international community to understand and mitigate the effects of climate change. This kind of rhetoric erodes public trust in the government’s ability to handle crises effectively.

The Separation of Church and State

In a secular democracy like Kenya, it is crucial to maintain a clear separation between church and state. This principle ensures that the government remains neutral and respects the diverse religious beliefs of its citizens. While individuals in public office are entitled to their personal faith, they must exercise caution when bringing religious practices into the public domain. Doing so can create division, undermine the secular nature of the state, and alienate citizens who do not share the same religious beliefs.

The Importance of an Objective Head of State

As the head of state, President Ruto bears the responsibility of making decisions that benefit all Kenyans, regardless of their religious beliefs. It is imperative that he prioritizes the well-being of the nation over his personal faith. An objective and inclusive approach to governance is essential for fostering a sense of unity and trust among citizens.

President William Ruto’s public displays of faith have raised concerns about his ability to make objective decisions and alienated non-Christians and African traditionalists. By prioritizing his faith over his function as the head of state, Ruto risks undermining the unity and inclusivity that Kenya desperately needs. It is crucial for him to strike a balance between his personal beliefs and the responsibilities of his office, promoting a secular and inclusive democracy where decisions are guided by reason and evidence rather than religious convictions.

Senelwa Derick
Senelwa Derick
Articles: 55

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