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Kenya has been grappling with issues surrounding LGBTQ+ rights for years. The recent proposal of the “Family Protection Law” by Homa Bay MP Peter Kalimantan has raised concerns not only for the human rights of LGBTQ+ individuals but also for the potential economic impact on the country. This article delves into the potential economic consequences that Kenya could face if the law is passed, particularly in terms of funding from the European Union (EU) and the United States (US).

Potential Loss of Financial Support

Kenya heavily relies on funding from international donors, including the EU and the US, for various development projects and humanitarian aid. A report presented by Fred Okola highlights the conditions imposed by these donors, which include respecting human rights, including LGBTQ+ rights. Failure to adhere to these conditions could result in the suspension or withdrawal of financial support.

The EU has provided significant funding to Kenya for development purposes under the Joint Cooperation Strategy 2018-2022. The report states that the EU has allocated 713.2 billion Ksh (4.8 billion dollars) to support Kenya’s development initiatives during this period. Additionally, the EU has granted 2.4 billion Ksh (16.13 million dollars) in humanitarian financing and 238 million Ksh (1.6 million dollars) for disaster preparedness in 2023.

Furthermore, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has approved a loan of 148.9 billion Ksh (1 billion dollars) for Kenya in July 2023. Additionally, 82 billion Ksh (551.1 million dollars) has been approved by the IMF to support Kenya’s efforts in building resilience to climate change. These financial injections play a vital role in supporting Kenya’s economy and development.

Potential Economic Losses

If the “Family Protection Law” is enacted, violating the conditions set by international donors, Kenya could face severe economic consequences. The report suggests that the country could lose approximately 4.186 trillion Ksh in financial support. This figure includes an estimated loss of around 446.7 billion Ksh (3 billion dollars) per year from tangible benefits provided by the US to Kenya’s economy and development.

The potential economic losses also encompass the humanitarian aid provided by the US, which amounted to approximately 446.7 billion Ksh in 2022 alone. Furthermore, the EU’s financial support, totaling 713.2 billion Ksh (4.8 billion dollars) under the Joint Cooperation Strategy 2018-2022, would be at risk.

Impact on the Tourism Sector

The negative perception of Kenya by the international community due to the enactment of discriminatory laws could have a detrimental impact on the tourism sector. The loss of billions of Ksh to cover tourism sector losses further exacerbates the potential economic consequences. This loss could be attributed to the negative image projected by the country, leading to a decline in tourist arrivals and revenue.


The proposed “Family Protection Law” in Kenya has raised concerns not only for LGBTQ+ rights but also for the potential economic consequences the country could face. The report by Fred Okola highlights the importance of adhering to the conditions set by international donors, as violations could result in the suspension or withdrawal of financial support. Kenya’s heavy reliance on funding from the EU, the US, and other international donors means that the passage of the law could lead to significant economic losses, including the potential loss of trillions of Ksh in financial support. Additionally, the negative perception of Kenya by the international community could impact the tourism sector, leading to further economic downturn. It is crucial for Kenya to consider the potential economic ramifications before enacting laws that discriminate against the LGBTQ+ community.

Articles: 19