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In recent years, the Catholic Church in Europe has experienced a significant shift in its approach towards same-sex marriage. While the Church has traditionally held conservative views on homosexuality, recent developments indicate a more inclusive stance. This article explores the blessings of same-sex marriages by Catholic Churches in Europe, highlighting the progress made since the Taibira law in France in 2013 and Pope Francis’ letter to cardinals in July 2023.

France's Progressive Catholic Churches

Since the enactment of the Taibira law in France on May 17, 2013, which legalized same-sex marriage, some Catholic Churches in the country have discreetly begun blessing gay marriages. An example of this can be seen in the case of Nicolas Maurin, 58, and Bernard Canat, 63, whose union was blessed at the Saint-Merry Church in the heart of Paris on Saturday, August 29, 2020.

Bruno Lévy for Le Pèlerin

The ceremony, witnessed by around a hundred guests, aimed to solemnize the couple’s love without excessive extravagance. Both men, dressed in floral shirts and casual trousers, emphasized that it was not a mass or a sacramental marriage but a simple recognition of their love. The selected readings, including the story of the disciples of Emmaus and a text on love by philosopher Alain Badiou, were intended to resonate with believers and non-believers alike.

Pope Francis' Letter and its Impact

On Monday, July 3, 2023, the Vatican published a letter from Pope Francis to cardinals, responding to five conservative cardinals who challenged him to confirm the Church’s teachings on homosexuality ahead of an important meeting where LGBTQ+ Catholics were on the agenda. In his letter, Pope Francis suggested that there could be ways to bless same-sex unions, as long as the blessing was not confused with sacramental marriage.

This statement marked a significant step forward in the Catholic Church’s approach towards LGBTQ+ individuals. Advocacy groups such as New Ways Ministry, which supports LGBTQ+ Catholics, hailed the letter as a substantial advancement in efforts to embrace LGBTQ+ Catholics within the Church. They noted that it served as a significant turning point in breaking the marginalization faced by LGBTQ+ individuals.

Progressive Outlook and Ongoing Discussions

The blessing of same-sex marriages by Catholic Churches in Europe, despite the initial reservations of the Church, demonstrates a growing acceptance of LGBTQ+ individuals and relationships within the Catholic community. The discreet blessings conducted by some Catholic Churches in France, along with Pope Francis’ acknowledgment of the possibility of blessing same-sex unions, indicate a more inclusive and compassionate stance from the Church.

While the Church’s official position on same-sex marriage remains unchanged, these developments show promising signs of progress. The discussions surrounding the blessings of same-sex unions reflect an ongoing dialogue within the Church, as it grapples with the complexities of modern society and strives to create a more welcoming environment for all its members.

The recognition and blessings of same-sex marriages by Catholic Churches in Europe mark a significant departure from traditional views on homosexuality. The discreet blessings conducted by progressive Catholic Churches in France, coupled with Pope Francis’ acknowledgement of the possibility of blessing same-sex unions, demonstrate the Church’s evolving stance on LGBTQ+ issues. While these developments do not imply a complete shift in Church doctrine, they highlight the ongoing discussions and the Church’s growing efforts to embrace and include LGBTQ+ individuals within its community.

Articles: 19