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Kenya police special units; necessary evil?

Kenya is steadily and covertly strengthening its security capabilities through the establishment of various specialized government-run units. In addition to the well-known RECCE squad of the General Service Unit (GSU), there are arguably more formidable Kenya police special units that have become the target of human rights activists and certain politicians.

During the campaign for 2022, Kenyan President William Samoei Ruto raised concerns about the government’s use of these units, alleging that they were being deployed to crush the opposition. Recently, the opposition and anti-government protesters have accused the government of using special police units to intimidate demonstrators. In addition, unconfirmed reports suggest a link between special police force operations and five deaths reported on July 15, 2023.

Organization of Kenya's Policing Structure

kenya police comand structure

Since independence, the Kenyan police force has undergone restructuring and modernization, resulting in a hybrid between a service and a military force. The 2010 constitution eliminated provincial and district administrative units, leading to changes in the command structure. Former provincial commissioners are now regional commanders, and district commissioners have become county commissioners. Below is the official command structure:

Non exhaustive list of Kenya special police units

1. The GSU reconnaissance squad (RECCE)

The GSU reconnaissance squad is known to Kenyans for its heroic actions during the West Gate terrorist attack. The Recce Company is a company of the paramilitary organisation General Service Unit (GSU). The Recce Company’s headquarters are located in Ruiru. The company’s main function is to support and reinforce field companies during combat or security operations. The company can also be deployed independently to conduct sensitive and delicate security operations.

2.Special Operations Group (SOG) AP KALI

Special Operations Group (SOG) AP KALI is a specialized force operates within the Administration/Border Police. Little is known about them publicly, but they receive specialized training from the USA and Israel. Images of their operations reveal their high confidence, powerful weaponry, and sophisticated equipment. The unit focuses on border security, particularly with Somalia and Ethiopia.

3.Special Service Unit (SSU) from the DCI

Special Service Unit (SSU) from the DCI: Initially known as the Flying Squad, the SSU was created to combat complex crimes. It boasts of its ability to neutralize terrorists without causing commotion or public awareness. However, doubts emerged after numerous bodies were found in River Yala in mid-2022, with some accusing the SSU. The incident remains unsolved, adding to the trust issues already associated with the Flying Squad. Anti-Stock Theft Unit: Established in September 1965 under the Kenya Police Service, this

4.Anti-Stock Theft Unit:

Anti-Stock Theft Unit: Established in September 1965 under the Kenya Police Service, this unit operates to combat stock theft. Initially based at 5th Kenya Rifle (5KA) Barracks in Gilgil, it later moved to its present location after purchasing land from Mrs. Cart Light in 1970.

5.Special Crime Prevention Unit (SCPU)

Special Crime Prevention Unit (SCPU): Created in 1999 by the then DCI director, Francis Sang, the SCPU was formed to counter the activities of the rogue Flying Squad. Comprising sharp-shooting commandos primarily drawn from the General Service Unit, its primary tasks include combating armed robberies, human and narcotics trafficking, theft of transit goods, and bank robberies. Despite the establishment of the SCPU, the Flying Squad continued its operations under different leadership.

5.Kanga Squad

Kanga Squad: Formed to crack down on armed robbers, car-jackers, and traffickers, the Kanga Squad was previously headed by George Kinoti, the immediate former DCI. In the 1990s, the mere sight of a Peugeot 504 station wagon in an estate or shopping centre would send men fleeing for safety. Those who fell victim to the officers in these vehicles either ended up dead or in prison, leaving survivors scarred for life.

Where we come from

The history of special police units in Kenya dates back to the pre and post-colonial period. It is important to note that President Ruto has placed blame on former President Uhuru Kenyatta, which reflects poorly on the Jubilee government. However, it appears that these units have been in operation for several decades.

In 1952, two special units were formed to deal with the Mau Mau insurgency: the Special Branch and the Special Tribal Police, commonly known as “home guards.” While the home guard project aimed to decentralize police power to civilians, the Special Branch established its own militia disguised as a “pseudo-gang” to hunt down Mau Mau fighters. The operation was led by Ian Henderson, a Nyeri-born officer under the direction of Special Branch Director John Prendergast.

Articles: 19