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Kenyan Interior CS Kithure Kindiki Announces Delay in Phased Border Reopening

Nairobi, Kenya – The Kenyan Government has decided to postpone the planned reopening of the Kenya-Somalia border, citing a surge in terror attacks and heightened security concerns. Interior CS Kithure Kindiki made the announcement in a tweet, emphasizing the government’s commitment to safeguarding national security and protecting its citizens. This delay comes as a necessary measure to address the recent spate of attacks and ensure the safety of both genuine refugees and host communities.

"In light of increased terror attacks, we have decided to delay the phased reopening of the Kenya-Somalia border. Our priority is the safety and security of our citizens. We will take decisive action to deal with these threats before proceeding."​

In his tweet, CS Kindiki stated,

Kindiki Kithure
Photo source: Kindiki kithure twiter

The decision to postpone the reopening of the Kenya-Somalia border is a response to the escalating terrorist activities carried out by extremist groups in the region. By temporarily halting the border reopening, the government aims to focus on dealing with the current security challenges and preventing further cross-border crime.

CS Kindiki further highlighted the government’s unwavering commitment to defeat extremist groups such as Al-Shabaab, who pose a significant threat to national security. “The Government shall defeat Al-Shabaab and all violent extremists who continue to threaten our national security and destabilize communities in North Eastern Kenya,” he stated during a press briefing in Wajir.

While the government remains firm on implementing the Refugee Act 2022 and fulfilling its international obligations, the recent attacks necessitate decisive action to protect the security interests of both genuine refugees and the communities hosting them. The government’s policy shift in refugee database management aims to strike a balance between upholding humanitarian commitments and ensuring national security.

The postponement of the Kenya-Somalia border reopening underscores the government’s commitment to addressing the prevailing security concerns in the region. Citizens are urged to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activities to the relevant security agencies. Through collective efforts and cooperation, Kenya aims to counter the threats posed by extremist elements and maintain peace and stability along its borders.

As of now, no specific date has been set for the resumption of the border reopening. The Kenyan Government will continue to assess the security situation and provide updates to the public as progress is made in dealing with the current security threats along the Kenya-Somalia border.

Articles: 19