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This Week we go all the way up the Second in Command, our Dp Riggi G, The most outspoken, frank and Nail head heater, at first, we were not sure what to make of the utterances that most media and the opposition have termed undiplomatic or even reckless!!

The Kenyan Deputy President  has been making headlines since inauguration  with a series of controversial statements that raise questions about his effectiveness and diplomatic acumen. His claims regarding the involvement of coffee cartels in poisoning his brother, as well as the alleged attempt to bribe him with an astronomical sum of money, have drawn attention. However, instead of taking decisive action, Gachagua’s penchant for complaining without tangible results casts doubt on his ability to address critical issues and fulfil his role as a leader(a second in command for that matter).

One of the primary concerns arising from Gachagua’s recent statements is his undiplomatic approach.  Some laugh to his “honest”  some are concernerned .

Help us God is the president afraid of tusking Gachagua with high profile diplomatique issues that the Prime CS; H.E Musalia Mudavadi is currently doing?

  As a high-ranking government official, he should demonstrate a measured and strategic response to pressing matters. However, his tendency to resort to sensationalist language and public outbursts diminishes his credibility and undermines the seriousness of the issues he raises.


Can we call this abating crime?

“When this government took office, the coffee cartels sent a person to give CS Linturi Ksh30M, claiming that it was a welcoming gift and a gesture of goodwill. The person said that the coffee dealers know that Linturi is just from a campaign period which must have drained his pockets and the amount would thus come in handy with the aim of building a rapport with the coffee dealers. Linturi immediately reported the matter to the President (William Ruto) and myself,” Gachagua narrated.

However, the question that begs to be asked is: Why was this person who attempted to bribe a civil servant not arrested? Are the coffee cartels more powerful than the entire government? This incident raises serious concerns about the government’s ability to tackle corruption and hold accountable those who engage in illegal activities.

If Gachagua’s claims are true, it is not enough for him to merely voice his frustrations and disclose the incident to the public. As the Deputy President, he has a responsibility to ensure that such attempts to undermine the integrity of government officials are thoroughly investigated and that the culprits face the full force of the law. By failing to take decisive action against those involved, Gachagua’s complaints become fruitless lash outs that do little to address the core issue at hand.

The public expects transparency, accountability, and swift action from their leaders. If the government is unable to bring the perpetrator to justice, it raises doubts about its commitment to combating corruption and protecting civil servants from undue influence. It is essential for Gachagua and the entire government to demonstrate their dedication to upholding the rule of law and restoring public trust in the face of such brazen attempts to undermine the system.

Ultimately, Gachagua’s role as Deputy President goes beyond public grievances. It is his duty to ensure that the government remains strong and resilient in the face of corruption and illicit activities. While raising awareness about such incidents is crucial, it is imperative that he actively works towards investigating and prosecuting those involved, proving that no one is above the law.

Kenya’s citizens deserve a government that not only acknowledges their concerns but also takes concrete steps to address them. It is time for Gachagua and the entire administration to translate their words into action and demonstrate their unwavering commitment to combating corruption and protecting the interests of the people they serve.”

“Please cartels, have mercy on us, we have families, school fees…”

A coffee farmer Pleads with cartels in front of Riggy G in June’s 2023 meeting between the DP and fames;

Gachagua’s repeated claims of encountering coffee cartels, along with his assertions of their involvement in poisoning his brother, warrant careful scrutiny. While raising awareness about such issues is important, the absence of concrete action from the Deputy President raises doubts about his commitment to combating these alleged cartels. Instead of taking practical steps to expose and dismantle the cartels, Gachagua appears content with merely complaining and playing the victim. Who is in charge?

Coffee farmers need results!!!

Regardless of the circumstances, it is crucial for leaders to produce concrete results. While Gachagua’s rhetoric may attract attention, it is action that will ultimately lead to positive change. Merely expressing outrage and frustration without tangible outcomes leaves the public disillusioned and undermines faith in leadership. His tendency to engage in sensationalism and public outbursts without taking decisive action diminishes his credibility and detracts from the pressing issues he claims to address. The public deserves leaders who are committed to practical solutions and tangible results, rather than those who rely on rhetoric alone. It is essential to closely examine the motives behind such statements and demand accountability from those in positions of power. WE ARE WAITING Good luck Your excellency.

Articles: 19