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Unprecedented floods wreaked havoc upon the landscapes of Baringo south on Saturday morning, leaving scores of families stranded and homeless.
Minorities and Marginalized Communities Affairs Unit Communications Director and llchamus Community Youth Leader Moses Ole Kachike, recounted the devastation to Mamboleo Media, painting a grim picture of the aftermath, with countless families left displaced and struggling to come to terms with the magnitude of the calamity.


Communities such as Logumgum, Ilng’arua, Loongewan, Nkoipiriri, Leswaa, Sintaan, Loropili, IlPunyaki, Lower Mochongoi, Sandai, and the Marigat ward, with notable impacts felt in Block 4, Ngosonik, Ndambul, and Labos were highly affected.

Government spokesperson Isack Mwaura swiftly disseminated crucial information to disaster management agencies established an emergency toll-free hotline (0800721571) to report emergencies promptly.

Mwaura emphasized the imperative of vigilance during the rainy season, urging the public to exercise caution and refrain from venturing into flood-prone areas where human life is at imminent risk.

Baringo County Commissioner Stephen Kutwa cataloged the affected households, prioritizing the implementation of urgent intervention measures. These encompassed the provision of essential necessities such as food, shelter, and assistance with relocation to higher ground, away from the perilous flood zones.




Renson Yeri
Renson Yeri

Renson Yeri is a Journalism and Mass Communication graduate from the Technical University of Mombasa. With a background in reporting on crime and politics for the Standard Newspaper, he transitioned to television as a camera operator for regional special features at Cape Media (TV47) in Mombasa. Later, he served as the Technical Director (Production) at The Kenyan Diaspora Media in Kenya.

Articles: 38