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Kenya’s decision to cancel the highly anticipated Public-Private Partnership (PPP) project for the Nairobi-Nakuru-Mau Summit motorway, signed with Vinci in October 2020, has sent shockwaves through the country. The move, attributed to the high tolling fee, has raised questions about the future of strategic infrastructure projects and the country’s credibility among investors.

Mau sumit motoway

The project, valued at approximately €1.3 billion and set to be a 175-kilometer dual two-lane motorway, was hailed as a transformative initiative for Kenya’s economic development. With Vinci Construction handling the works and Vinci Highways overseeing operation and maintenance, the project aimed to enhance road safety, reduce travel time, and boost economic activity in the Rift Valley region.

Transport CS James Macharia expressed pride in the investment, envisioning the Northern Corridor becoming the most modern in the region. However, the cancellation has now cast a shadow over the project’s potential benefits and the government’s commitment to enhancing infrastructure.

The abrupt termination of the PPP agreement has also raised concerns about Kenya’s reputation as a reliable partner for international investors. The country’s history of renegotiating agreements from past administrations could undermine trust and hinder future investment prospects. The decision could have diplomatic repercussions, especially with France, given the high-level negotiations and involvement of French authorities in the project.

Speculations surrounding the cancellation highlight potential motives and implications. Some sources suggest that the government’s decision may be linked to seeking kickbacks from Chinese developers, who were seen as strong contenders for the project. This suspicion, coupled with Kenya’s rumored interest in purchasing a presidential transport plane from a French company, raises questions about the government’s underlying motives and transparency in its dealings.

The cancellation of the Mau Summit motorway project is a setback

The cancellation of the Mau Summit motorway project is a setback for Kenya, affecting over 19 million people and the economic development of the Rift Valley region. With road accidents being a significant concern on the Nairobi-Nakuru road, the project’s cancellation could exacerbate existing challenges related to road quality and maintenance.

As Kenya navigates the fallout from the cancelled project, the government faces the challenge of rebuilding trust with investors and maintaining diplomatic relationships with key partners. The repercussions of this decision could have far-reaching effects on the country’s infrastructure development agenda and its standing in the global investment landscape.

Mamboleo media
Mamboleo media
Articles: 7