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Prof. George Wajackoyah of Roots Party was among the presidential candidate cleared by IEBC. George qualified by gaining 2000 votes in 24 counties and proving he was a Kenyan citizen. In his manifesto, Wajackoyah promised to legalize marijuana for medicinal purposes. 

In an interview on Citizen TV, Wajackoyah said, “the solution for the national debt is growing marijuana which will enable this country to clear all the outstanding debt”. 

Wajackoyah believes that growing marijuana for export will enable Kenyans to have sufficient money to boost the economy.

 Based on its medicinal purpose, growing marijuana will increase revenue and minimize addiction. 

Death penalty for corrupt

“ Judiciary is one of the biggest stumbling blocks in realizing the aspiration of a prosperous nation. 

I will adopt a style whereby if you suspect yourself to be corrupt, we encourage you to kill yourself or if you try and you are convicted, you be killed’, said Wajackoyah. 

Most corrupt leaders are yet to be imprisoned despite evidence presented in courts. 

The outgoing government has heightened corruption cases by transferring corrupt leaders to different departments where they continue to steal.

 The death penalty might not hinder corruption since influential leaders are never exposed. 

Will Wajackoyah might cause a presidential runoff?

According to his running mate Justina Wambui,” China made Ksh 140billion from planting marijuana. They then lent us Ksh 9trillion, meaning we are spending China’s marijuana money on our projects”. 

Going by Justina’s sentiments, Kenya can pay off its debt after legalizing marijuana. 

Most youths tend to agree with the idea since they are consumers of marijuana. 

This has made Wakackoya famous among youths, who are equally knowledgeable about the medical use of marijuana.  

Wajackoyah’s sense of style and preferences for marijuana is gaining popularity, which leads to inclusivity among youth. 

Kenyans might vote in Wajackoyah as they believe corruption has increased the national debt. 

Moses Kuria posted on Facebook, “George Wajackoyah might send Kenya to its first presidential run-off. This needs to be declared a national crisis and emergency”.

 Wajackoyah’s popularity will force most youth to vote him in, leading to the sharing of remaining votes among other candidates.

 Charity Ngilu claims, “Kenya Kwanza is afraid of Wajackoyah due to his ability to attract youths from 18 to 30 together with marijuana partakers”. 

Dr. Ezekiel Mutua also hinted at the possibility of a presidential run-off due to Wajackoyah’s fame among youths.

 Mutua stated, “Wajackoyah will cause a re-run. I sat down with a group of young people last night and was shocked to hear the animated conversation about why they love the guy. If the talks are anything to go by, Wajackoyah will get over one million votes and that will be a game-changer”.  

Azimio la Umoja spokesperson Makau Mutua noticed the presence of Wajackoyah, unlike other candidates. 

Makau stated,” the clearance, by IEBC, of Wajackoyah the weed-smoking and snake-farming advocate to run for president is proof all dreams are valid and that Kenya’s democracy is slowly coming of age! The man has even vowed to abolish the same constitution that has permitted him to run!” It is up to Kenyans to elect their preferred candidate on the 9th of August 2022.

Senelwa Derick
Senelwa Derick
Articles: 55