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A child succumbs to malnourishment globally every 10 seconds, according to World Vision Kenya. Behind the statistics lie tales of heartbreaking neglect and deprivation within households, where lack of knowledge, limited access to food, and financial struggles intertwine to rob children of their health and future.


In the harsh landscapes of Kenya’s arid regions, children are trapped in a cycle of suffering, battling against the twin demons of drought and disease while their families grapple with inadequate feeding practices.

The latest report from the Kenya Food Security Steering Group paints a grim picture: nearly 850,000 young lives hang in the balance, in urgent need of intervention to combat acute malnutrition.

The 2022 Kenya Demographic Health Survey found that 18 percent of children under five are stunted, indicating chronic under-nutrition, while 5 percent are wasted, indicating acute malnutrition, and 10 percent are underweight.


Across the globe, a staggering 45 million innocent souls under five endure the agony of wasting, while nearly 148.1 million bear the scars of stunting, with Africa bearing the brunt of 44.4 million cases.

Alice Yugi, the courageous voice of World Vision Kenya, sheds light on the harrowing struggles faced by families as they battle against the odds to provide nourishment for their children.

She stressed the need for diversified diets, increased food access, and economic empowerment to combat malnutrition effectively.

Last year, World Vision Kenya, in collaboration with the Kenyan government and other partners, provided critical support to 1.3 million people affected by emergencies, including 780,000 children.


To combat malnutrition, Yugi emphasized the importance of ensuring no child sleeps hungry and promoting education for teenage girls to break the cycle of intergenerational malnutrition.

She also highlighted the importance of access to comprehensive nutrition services and promoting healthy feeding practices, as highlighted in the KDHS 2022 report.

Renson Yeri
Renson Yeri

Renson Yeri is a Journalism and Mass Communication graduate from the Technical University of Mombasa. With a background in reporting on crime and politics for the Standard Newspaper, he transitioned to television as a camera operator for regional special features at Cape Media (TV47) in Mombasa. Later, he served as the Technical Director (Production) at The Kenyan Diaspora Media in Kenya.

Articles: 38