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A police corporal convicted of forcefully stealing Sh15 million at gunpoint is making an unconventional plea to the court.

The officer is requesting to step out of the prison walls and embark on a mission to preach against crime, targeting not only fellow officers but also the younger generation.

Corporal George Onyango Mtere, previously stationed at Ruiru Police Station, laid out his proposal before Milimani Chief Magistrate Bernard Ochoi, arguing that his impact on society could be more significant beyond the confines of a cell.

Defense lawyer Danstan Omari presented a glowing probation report, highlighting Mtere’s positive conduct, and urged the court to consider a more lenient sentence.

Omari drew parallels to a recent case where a Catholic Father was directed by a Mombasa High Court Judge to advocate against violence and abuse.

However, Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Renson Ingonga was unwavering in his demand for the ultimate punishment, advocating for a death sentence for the convicted officer.


Prosecutor James Gachoka echoed the call for severe consequences, stressing the gravity of the crime and the trauma inflicted upon the victim.

Mtere’s partner in crime, Bernard Ogutu Okech, also faced conviction alongside him.

Gachoka underlined the fear instilled by the use of firearms during the robbery, arguing that such actions warranted the harshest penalties.

During the ordeal, the victim, Daksha Patel, was compelled to relinquish a bag containing $150,000 upon seeing the weapon.

Gachoka contended that both Mtere and Ogutu were armed and orchestrated an environment of fear, justifying the prosecution’s pursuit of capital punishment.

Chief Magistrate Bernard Ochoi acknowledged Patel’s testimony, which was bolstered by compelling CCTV footage, reinforcing the severity of the crime.

Patel recounted the harrowing experience in court, narrating how armed assailants ambushed her and fellow occupants in a lift, forcibly seizing her belongings.

Ochoi underscored the credibility of Patel’s account, which showed the significance of the evidence presented during the trial.

Renson Yeri
Renson Yeri

Renson Yeri is a Journalism and Mass Communication graduate from the Technical University of Mombasa. With a background in reporting on crime and politics for the Standard Newspaper, he transitioned to television as a camera operator for regional special features at Cape Media (TV47) in Mombasa. Later, he served as the Technical Director (Production) at The Kenyan Diaspora Media in Kenya.

Articles: 38