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Some people say politics is a dirty game. In the race for Nairobi governor, Johnson Sakaja’s name seems to be getting dirty. 

Sakaja is facing allegations that he had not qualified to run for the top seat in Nairobi county.

 Sakaja is said to have lacked a degree, which is one of the mandatory requirements for a governor.

A degree from Uganda University.

Dennis Wahome petitioned for Sakaja to be barred from contesting for a gubernatorial position. Dennis stated that Sakaja presented a different degree from what he presented during the 2017 elections.

 During his clearance process with the IEBC, Sakaja presented a degree from Team University in Uganda.

 However, Sakaja had confessed to having graduated from the University of Nairobi during an interview with Churchill.

 Julius Ogengo, the deputy vice-chancellor of the University of Nairobi claimed that Sakaja did not graduate.

 Orengo stated that “He undertook the program “Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Science” at the university but records available indicate he did not complete his studies”. 

Apart from the IEBC, Sakaja believes Uhuru Kenyatta wants to make him “dirty” by using his influence to revoke his Ugandan degree. 

Sakaja stated, “the purported revocation of my credentials by the Commission for University Education(CEU) chairman is null and void, and politically instigated”. 

Sakaja added that” The chairman, Prof Chach Nyaigotti Chacha, has been coerced and intimidated by President Uhuru Kenyatta to illegally revoke recognition of accreditation that has been properly issued”. 

After presenting his qualification to the CEU, the commission wrote to National Council for Higher Education in Uganda. 

Sakaja claimed’ they have sent officials from the Kenya High Commission in Uganda to intimidate Team University staff as well as the country’s National Council for Higher Education. The university has remained firm and refused to be intimidated. So has the Council for Higher Education in Uganda. 

The only institution that has succumbed to this intimidation is the Kenyan CUE”.

Sakaja’s “Clean Bill of Health”

“It is hereby confirmed that Team University is a recognized institution in Uganda. The qualification awarded by the said institution is also recognized in Uganda and by convention in Kenya, once they own a student, you can’t dispute”, said Mwenda Ntarangwi, the Commission for University Chief Executive Officer.

 The recognition from the Commission for University in Uganda backed Sakaja’s degree and cleared him from academic disqualification. 

Sakaja presented his academic credentials before the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission and was allowed to vie. 

According to Sakaja ” among other qualifications and awards of excellence, I hold a Bachelor of Science in Management degree conferred upon me by Team University in Uganda”. 

After getting the green light to contest for the gubernatorial seat, Sakaja stated,” Next they will say I wasn’t born.

 Forget propaganda; sell your candidate. Our march is unstoppable, our faith is unshakable and our victory is inevitable”.  

Based on Sakaja’s sentiments it seems his opponents from Azimio la Umoja aim at trashing his name.

 Igathe, who is contesting for the same position with Sakaja shared his graduation pictures. Although Igathe did not caption his pictures with any message towards Sakaja.

 It was clear that Igathe wanted the public to believe he is well educated and suitable for the governor position. 

Thus tainting Sakaja as uneducated and unqualified for the position. Igathe and Azimio la Umoja might be playing the dirty game. So choose wisely!

Senelwa Derick
Senelwa Derick
Articles: 55