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Nelson Mandela is considered a historical figure due to his extraordinary bravery and remarkable vision. He led the fight against an inhuman colonial system that centered around apartheid. Nelson Mandela is considered a historical figure because he planned the transition of South Africa, from a regime of apartheid to that of democracy.  

Mandela is considered a historic figure since he began his fight for equality at the University College of Fort Hare. 


Mandela joined other students in protesting against the quality of food offered, which led to his suspension. 

 Mandela is a historical figure since he endured 27 years in prison for South Africans to get freedom. Mandela refused to stop the African National Party, which he led from fighting against apartheid. Mandela was determined to spend the rest of his life in prison in exchange for freedom and the abolishment of apartheid in South Africa. 

Why was Nelson Mandela imprisoned for 27 years?

Mandela was imprisoned for 27 years for charges such as treason and trying to sabotage the White South African government. 

Mandela was constantly arrested and convicted on several occasions as he fought for the liberation of South Africa. 

His arrests began after he joined the African National Congress (ANC)and was elected the leader of the African National Congress Youth wing.

 Mandela was first arrested in 1956 on charges of treason but later acquitted.

 However, in April 1960, African National Congress changed its law and began to engage in violent protest after the police killed 69 people in a peaceful rally at Sharpeville. 

In 1961, Mandela was issued a warrant of arrest, which resulted in him living as an outlaw since he organized a general strike of black workers that were not allowed to vote.

Mandela was released and left the country illegally, which was against the apartheid law.

In 1962, Mandela was arrested for leaving South Africa illegally, to attend the Pan African Freedom Movement Conference in Ethiopia. 

On 7th November 1962, Mandela was imprisoned for several accounts such as treason, incitement, leaving South Africa illegal, and trying to sabotage the ruling government. 

In 1963, Mandela was imprisoned for life and began his sentence at Pretoria Local Prison. 

Mandela was transferred to Robben Island Prison, where he stayed for 18 years.

 On 12th August 1988, Mandela suffered from tuberculosis and was transferred to Victor Verster Prison where he lived until his release on 11 February 1990. 

How did Nelson Mandela contribute to the end of apartheid?

Mandela contributed to ending apartheid by joining the African National Congress.

 Mandela left South Africa illegally for paramilitary training that would enable him to end apartheid.

 Although he was imprisoned, Mandela continued fighting against apartheid by writing letters and books on freedom. 

After his release in 1990, Mandela negotiated against apartheid and a new constitution that would permit majority rule.

 In 1994, President F.W De Klerk agreed to end apartheid and called for a democratic election that saw Mandela become the first black South African president. 

Senelwa Derick
Senelwa Derick
Articles: 55