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Kenyan Government Security agencies are pursuing one prominent pastor James Wanjohi, founder of Church of Jesus Culture Ministries in Nairobi accused of embezzling Kshs. 600 Million (Approx 4 million Euros).

James Wanjohi

James Wanjohi (of Jesus culture ministires) who is now prohibited from leaving the country, owns a travel agency, a barista training center, and an immigration consultancy agency, presents himself through his sermons as a self-made man who built his empire from scratch.

It is through these side businesses that the pastor allegedly scammed hundreds of people, promising them visas to countries like Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, or Australia, along with a guaranteed job, for a fee ranging from 100,000 to 140,000 shillings.

Unfortunately, many victims recruited through James Wanjohi’s Church found themselves deceived, with no updates on their applications.

While the directors of James Wanjohi’s companies have been arrested, the pastor himself remains elusive. This new scandal once again highlights the need for stricter regulation of religious activities in Kenya.

Following the tragedy in Shakahola in April 2023, a senatorial commission was established to consider new legislation but faced opposition from religious authorities.

Past cases, such as those involving Pastor Victor Kanyari and Prophet David Owuor, have highlighted the dangers of unchecked power and influence within religious institutions.

Pastor Victor Kanyari was featured in an investigative program by Kenya National Television (KTN) owned “Jicho Pevu” documentary which alledged he was involved in fraudulent activities, specifically manipulating his followers by claiming to perform miracles and receive divine revelations in exchange for money. He was accused of exploiting people’s faith for financial gain.

Dr. David Owuor, a Kenyan preacher and leader of the Repentance and Holiness Ministry, has equally faced various controversies and scandals over the years.

Some of these controversies include allegations of financial impropriety, claims of false prophecies, and questions about the authenticity of his supposed miracles. Additionally, there have been reports of disagreements and conflicts within his ministry, as well as concerns raised by some former followers about the organization’s practices and teachings.

Articles: 19