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In a dramatic escalation of tensions in the Middle East, Iran launched a significant retaliatory attack against Israel on Saturday, marking the first direct military confrontation between the two nations. The operation involved over 300 missiles and drones aimed at Israeli territory, raising fears of a potential regional conflict that could draw in U.S. military forces.

What was fired at Israel:

Israel iron dom

According to Israeli officials, the Iranian assault included approximately 30 cruise missiles targeted at Israel, all of which were intercepted by Israeli fighter jets. Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, a spokesman for the Israeli military, confirmed that no missiles successfully breached Israeli defenses. Additionally, out of around 120 ballistic missiles fired, only a few reached inside Israel, causing minor damage to the infrastructure of Nevatim Air Base but leaving it fully operational.

Tragically, the attack grievously injured a 10-year-old girl, although there were no fatalities reported. Rear Admiral Hagari noted that about 31 individuals received treatment for anxiety or injuries sustained while seeking shelter during the air raid alarms.


In response to the barrage, Israel’s Iron Dome defense system was tested severely but successfully managed to shoot down all Iranian Shaheed drones involved in the attack. The success of the Iron Dome on this occasion was bolstered by logistical and technological support from French, British, and American military forces, showcasing a strong international collaboration.

U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin issued a statement on Saturday, revealing that the U.S. military had also engaged, shooting down “dozens” of threats, underscoring the United States’ commitment to Israel’s security amidst the ongoing hostilities.

The recent developments have drawn international attention, with global leaders calling for restraint and dialogue to prevent a further escalation into a broader regional conflict. As the situation unfolds, the world watches closely, hoping for a resolution that brings peace to the region.

Stay tuned for continuous updates on this developing story.

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Articles: 7